Postpone Kavanaugh Confirmation Proceedings

September 17, 2018

With the addition of new and developing allegations of sexual misconduct from Judge Kavanaugh’s past, it is unconscionable that hearings move forward without further investigation.

We must believe his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, and postpone the hearings or vote no. If Kavanaugh is confirmed, one-third of the men on the court will have been publicly accused of sexual assault or harassment.

Pressure is mounting today, as all 10 Democrats on the Judiciary Committee have called for a delay of Thursday’s vote. The hearings should have been stopped when the GOP refused to release his complete record.

Kavanaugh is a threat to women’s rights, period. Voting to confirm him supports the elimination of Roe vs. Wade, the criminalization of abortion, and women’s rights to make choices about their own bodies, and the possibility of being the decisive vote for many other issues including the Affordable Care Act, shielding Trump from accountability for illegal or corrupt acts, and LGBTQ rights and equality, to name a few of many, many more.

As Ilyse Hogue from Pro-Choice America said, “These sexual assault charges come on top of charges of perjury and indications of extreme views that make the majority of Americans oppose his confirmation. He has shown throughout his professional tenure and in these hearings a lack of respect for women and our bodily autonomy. The stakes are too high to allow this nomination to move forward.”

Please call your senators today and demand that they #Stop Kavanaugh: 202-224-3121 #postponethehearing #metoo #resist


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