Boy, Bye! What All Women Can Learn from Beyoncé and Hillary Clinton

August 12, 2016

Beyoncé strikes gold, again! The lyrics of her latest hit song, “Sorry” not only make you think about every boyfriend you’ve ever broken up with, they also remind you of what makes women so powerful! In a simple, but powerful phrase, “Boy, bye,” Queen Bey speaks to women young and old, black and white by summing up what we’re all feeling as we find ourselves face-to-face with the biggest leap forward for gender equality in the 21st century – the nomination of Hillary Clinton. (The lyrics were also recently used by CNN political commentator Angela Rye to shut down one of Donald Trump’s boisterous supporters – how perfect is that?)


By some accounts, “Sorry” is a defiant breakup song – a middle-fingered clap-back anthem about having strength and confidence in the midst of an otherwise serious and emotional breakup. But for me, it’s so much more. It’s a battle call to end decades of gender-based attitudes, policies, and deeds that have held us back for far too long.

Boy, Bye to the Old Boy’s Club!

Hillary’s ability to overcome obstacle after obstacle in her life, whether it be economic hardships, a personal matter made very public, or the shameless gender-based criticisms thrown at her in nearly every single election in which she’s been a candidate, gives us all hope that we can fight David and Goliath battles and win! Indeed, Hillary’s story is one of personal perseverance and a constant refusal to give up.

One Giant Leap for Womankind

Since seeing her on the stage at the Democratic National Convention, I’ve often thought of her grit and determination when I’ve contemplated giving up on personal and professional goals that seem out of reach. I have asked myself on more than one occasion: “What if Hillary would’ve given up?”

She was born less than 30 years after women were first allowed to cast a ballot in the United States, and if she would have listened to the haters and naysayers in society who said she couldn’t win, she wouldn’t be positioned to become our next President. The fact that she’s standing so close to that office is a remarkable achievement for such a short amount of time, and perhaps even more worth noting, a remarkable testament to our willpower as women. Whether it’s Beyonce’s cheating husband or Hillary’s failed 2008 presidential bid, we can look to these modern day victors who, despite a multitude of setbacks, have never allowed their resilience to be extinguished by anyone or anything – a true inspiration to us all.

If this election has taught us anything, it’s that the antiquated limitations placed on women by our society are no match for the science and art of resilience. Let Hillary Clinton’s personal journey be a lesson to us all: there is no glass ceiling strong enough to keep down those who refuse to give up. Let her story inspire us to boldly and confidently say in our best Beyoncé voice, “Boy, bye” to anyone and anything that’s standing between us and the life we chose to live.


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